Over the span of 8 months we generated over 100 images per day using Midjourney Ai image generation.
This has become the biggest collection of Ai generated masks in the world.
24,890 images generated
419.58 hours of render time
12,000 masks selected and edited
Over 2,000 hours of editing
Every mask is based on an Archetype
We wanted to demonstrate the removal of masks, dispelling the shadow, and shedding the ego… The goal is to reveal one’s true self by taking off the mask…
We’re turning these masks into an NFT collection to raise funds for a series of experiments…
Experiments in Governance, art & maker culture, co-living, rites of passage, Ai, VR, and AR…
We plan to progressively build in more utilities over time.
Each Mask NFT will function as a key to a DAO, a community, an experience, wisdom, and opportunities…